Young couple expecting a baby are swept out to sea and killed by freak wave while taking a photo

Young couple expecting a baby are swept out to sea and killed by freak wave while taking a photo



A pregnant woman and her fiance have drowned after being swept out to sea by a wave while taking a photo together in an area of California known as the “death rocks.”


Pedro David Guadarrama Ceron, 30, and Emma Nelly Diazleal Lopez, 33, were last seen posing for photos on rocks in an area of Santa Cruz that got its ominous nickname because of the turbulent currents that can change suddenly, KTVU said.


The newly engaged couple had only recently found out they were expecting their first child when they were swept off the rocks near Mitchell’s Cove, grieving loved ones told NBC Bay Area.



Pedro David Guadarrama Ceron, 30, and Emma Nelly Diazleal Lopez, 33 were taking pictures on the rocks before being swept out to sea.Facebook

The newly engaged couple had only recently found out they were expecting their first child.Facebook

The “death rocks” got its ominous nickname because of the turbulent currents that can change suddenly.
First responders found them floating face down in the water, fire officials said.


“Advanced life support measures were immediately initiated as the victims were assisted on board the vessel and directed towards the harbor,” the Santa Cruz Fire Department said.

“Despite uninterrupted resuscitative efforts, both victims succumbed to the elements and could not be resuscitated.”

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