Celebrity kids including Suri Cruise, Violet Affleck and Moses Martin are headed to college this Fall. Find out where they’ll matriculate- and how their famous parents are feeling about kids flying the nest.

Celebrity kids including Suri Cruise, Violet Affleck and

Moses Martin

are headed to college this Fall. Find out where they’ll matriculate- and how their famous parents are feeling about kids flying the nest.



The notoriously private teenager is facing not one but two milestone moments in her life this year, and is likely excited for them both.






Katie’s mini-me will become an official adult come April, when she turns 18 on the 18th, followed by another transition several months later. That’s because Suri will be leaving high school, and is likely to go onto college. It has been previously reported that Katie is keen for her daughter to stay in New York City to study, but Suri – who is interested in the arts – may well choose to move further a field for her higher education.


While not that much is known about the teen, it’s known that she’s an incredibly talented singer. In 2022, Suri sang in the opening credits of Katie’s film, Alone Together, when she was just 15.

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