Taylor Swift’s extraordinary acts of kindness has just resurfaced and is going VIRAL! – Taylor bought a fan named Stephanie a house after learning she was pregnant and homeless. ‘I want you to be able to enjoy…

Taylor Swift’s extraordinary acts of kindness has just resurfaced and is going VIRAL! – Taylor bought a fan named Stephanie a house after learning she was pregnant and homeless. ‘I want you to be able to enjoy…






the fan named Stephanie prefaced her post by saying she had contemplated whether or not to post about her experience.

“I’ve finally decided to tell you all what Taylor did for me this night,” wrote Stephanie, who accompanied her post with photos of herself backstage with Swift, 28, at her “Long story short our first flat was condemned for health and safety reasons and we lost everything. To add to the stress, during this time [my partner] Matthew lost his job.”

While attending Swift’s concert in Manchester, Stephanie says her mother filled in the “End Game” singer about her daughter’s difficult situation and simply asked the star to make her “feel special” that night“After the show Taylor took us back to her dressing room where she told me, ‘Stephanie, You’ve been in my life for a long time and you’ve never asked me for anything. You could have reached out and I would have helped you. But you didn’t. [Your] mum told me..”


Swift told Stephanie she was going to give her money for her concert ticket but ended up helping “us buy a home and all I needed for my baby,” she continued.


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