Team USA Flag Football Quarterback Darrell Doucette Sends A Warning Shot To NFL Players Ahead Of The 2028 Olympics

Team USA Flag Football Quarterback Darrell Doucette Sends A Warning Shot To NFL Players Ahead Of The 2028 Olympics

Darrell Doucette throwing
Darrell Doucette and the 2028 Olympics logo (Photos via @NFLNotify X and Getty Images)

When flag football was announced as an Olympic event, many people online assumed that the best NFL players would represent America but current Team USA quarterback Darrell Doucette has other ideas.







America already has a national flag football team, and some players feel they’ve earned the spot to represent their country instead. Doucette has been the most outspoken on the situation.

“I think it’s disrespectful that they just automatically assume that they’re able to just join the Olympic team because of the person that they are – they didn’t help grow this game to get to the Olympics,” Doucette said, according to The Guardian. “Give the guys who helped this game get to where it’s at their respect.

However, he doesn’t believe that NFL players should be completely excluded from joining; rather, they should have to show they’re better than the current team.

We just don’t think they’re going to be able to walk on the field and make the Olympic team because of the name, right?” Doucette added. “They still have to go out there and compete.

Also Read: VIDEO: NFL Superstars Picked Their 5-Man Flag Football Teams For 2028 Olympics, And Some Of Their Selections Are Shocking

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